Tuesday, April 27, 2010

pointless fliers but awsome

a reflection on culture? society? nothing? either way it is very now, especially the wtf one

universal solution

A package in the form of an origami, which eliminates all the wasted space in a cardboard box. A concept of pre-folded sheets, by designer Patrick Sung.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hummer Turned Into a Horse Cart

“I am making my own satirical prediction of the future,” he explains on the blog. “Unless we come up with alternative fuel sources and rethink our reliance on a hyper inflated consumption based economy; we may be left with no other options than to hook our cars up to a horse

puma shoe box

A new packaging designed by Yves Behar for Puma sportswear, consisting of a single frame of cardboard for packing shoes in a reusable bag. It will save 60% in water consumption and energy in the production process.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A More Powerful Lock

Not even a lightsaber could bust it. This is the “Energy Lock” from designer Young Suk Kim. Alas it is not the kind of lock you keep your bike secure with, instead it is for your plug-in objects around the house. This project goes by the name “Energy Lock,” and it’s about to totally change the way you plug in your coffee maker at night. Or VCR, if you’ve still got one of those, maybe your computer you keep hooked up all night, basically everything that sucks power while you’re not using it.

Before we get to flipping out: the plug you see isn’t from the USA. Can any of you whizzes out there tell me what country we might be dealing with here?

Next, take a look at how simple this is. All it really consists of is a timer, something very similar to the sort you might use to time your oven. Plug your plug in, turn it as a crank, and let it time down. After the amount of time you choose, the power ends.

Designer: Young Suk Kim


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fast food logos trigger fast behaviour

“Just thinking about these foods can boost our preferences for time-saving goods and even nudge us towards financial decisions that value immediate gains over future returns. Fast food, it seems, is very appropriately named.”

Monday, April 5, 2010

Google Envelopes - beta stage


Google Envelopes, Beta Of Course

Designers Rahul Mahtani & Yofred Moik from the Industrial Design program at Syracuse University came up with this concept called Google Envelopes. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to map the course of mail and how it can tell a story? They came up with Google Envelopes, which can be sent through G-Mail itself. It’s only a concept, but totally viable and something people can immediately understand.

similar idea to the one the posted about the roma water bottle having maps of water fountains printed on them. this dual usage thing is interesting to me, although the actual paper and sending might be un sustainable, i think im finding common themes in stuff i find, liking the tactile stuff, just makes things seems more personal. could be an another area to look to.

Friday, April 2, 2010



Combining gift and greeting card, Postcarden is a fun and simple pop-out card that transforms into a mini living garden.

a bloody awsome idea, basically a pre cut/made type of post card which transforms into a little garden center. not sure if it promotes sustainability in a way but no doubt it would spark initial action. Simple, seeds and water. the fact that it is so well designed would really influence it for me.

Really like to explore this kind of stuff for my final design direction, i think with sustainability it is such a WIDE scope of subjects. where as it may be better (easier) to start off with a small issue in the realms of sustainability

Thursday, April 1, 2010


OFF, the light switch hook, provides a hanging function when in the OFF position. It is a fully functional light switch. It was designed to persuade people to use less energy by providing a power saving incentive. You can either hang something on it or turn a light ON - you can't do both.


Coca-Cola bottle concept by Andrew Kim takes up less space than traditional round bottles and comes with a cool collapsible design for easyrecycling.

As an added bonus, each bottle features an opening at the bottom that allows multiple bottles to be stacked. This increases efficiency during transportation and reduces the amount of space needed for storage.

Pasted from <http://www.toxel.com/tech/2010/03/31/square-coca-cola-bottle-concept/>

An interesting concept of a square bottle design for coke, I mean it does make sense that the square shape will e ale to packed in shipping and shelving more efficiently,

But I see a few flaws with this design, will the square shape be retained with the amount of pressure from the coke, will the actual bottle be able to be crushed looks like an awkward structure to crush and also the ergonomics of the bottle doesn't look that comfortable.

Overall it is a simple but potentially huge design concept which could make massive differences.

Reminds me kind of, of the tetra pack waters


As an alternative to water bottle packs, seems like simple and pretty effective method of at least contributing to an innovative method towards sustainability. I know currently these are available in a few states in the US, on the site they rave about the huge impact it makes such as:

Shipping and transportation, being shipped flat and open obviously means huge benefits in efficiency

Also being able to recycle the tetra packs

But further research draws criticism through, the difficulty of actually being able to recycle the packs; the paper has bits of metal and plastic in it making it hard to recycle. Also condoning this tetra for one use only, single serve packaging, kind of a short term impact but in the long run, wouldn't we rather have a long term result, changing the attitude of re using etc.

But it is a great start and is a great alternative to the old plastic bottles, and is beautifully designed.