so the ideas im ind of looking at revolve pretty much around food, the first one is the whole idea of sustainable food or packaging.
with food what really inspired this idea was the whole idea of the Post Carden, the whole thing about food is interesting, obesity is basically classed as an epidemic at the moment so its very much a currant and live issue. research has shown that cooking from home more often will prevent the onset of obesity, lots of current precedents visually and theory. example : jamie olivers lastest crusade.
somehow this whole healthy food and growing our own food can come back to community sustainability also environmentally, its awesome. a really good precedent of this is guerilla gardening: basically bombing city urban landscapes with seedings eventually growing into plants/ fruit/ flowers.
another approach to take with this subject is the currant accessibility of free fruit already, having seen something similar in Australia, after some research i found an organization has been formed to encourage th same cause
possibly piggy back their campaign?
the google maps thing cold crosses over the real world and virtual world thing, love the fact its all user content driven as well.
so second idea, is more the packaging side of things, this one is so vague at the moment, but as evident from the post on the blog, a lot of the images and concepts that appeal to me are very tangible, a majority of them are product packaging.
something that triggered this idea for me is my MUJI speakers, a kit set pair of speakers which is environmentally friendly and also in my opinion looks pretty awesome. my kind of approach is to tae it to the extreme, laptop top, tvs, ipods. more really making statement about the currant overlapping technology eating it self type thing, and also something that kind of relates, is the relationship between the user and product.

"the product is the package and product combined" Louis Cheskin.
the whole idea of kitset itself is interesting, being able to fold flat is efficient and building it up is educational, somehow the two ideas can be fused together.
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