...seriously, WTF? for half a kiwi fruit? just one aspect of the sustainability thing is the whole individual serve thing, it isnt necessary at all, for convenience sake?
think about the amount energy that went into producing the packing and then to be shipped to various supermarkets across the country or globe and then where does the waste go, even if it does end up in the recycling bin, pretty sure the whole kiwi fruit skin would be a whole lot easier to get rid off/ decompose.
Also just reading through 'an omnivores dilemma' by michael pollen, this kind of crosses over but not really. the whole industrialization of food allows us to order from for example Macdonalds individual things off a menu that targets specific demographics from one family, whether it be a nugget, a burger, or a chicken salad, but then everything is wrapped up nicely like a present. the whole notion of the nugget is so far removed from actual chicken, made purely for convenience, and no waste, and as with most of the items par the salad, it is able to be eaten with one hand, 17% of american meals are eaten in the car.
not sure where i really went with this post, i think because it really has gotten ridiculous when we start packaging HALF A FRUIT, this is just a concept at the moment, but if you look in supermarkets these days, you can find small packets of cut apples and carrots already.
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