~ Silvia Barbero (Author), Brunella Cozzo (Author), Paola Tamborrini (Author)
okay so i found this book in Gordan Harris, really new so i cant find the pictures and examples anywhere else but i thought id share, this book is basically a collection of really innovation and smart sustainable ideas and case studies, in terms of awareness, call to action, actual sustainable design, this book covers a very broad range as it was split up into categories such as furniture, interactive graphics etc
obviously i was drawn to the graphic design side, while there were case studies i had seen before a couple of them were really new and i hadn't seen before, these two caught my eye:
1- How much does it weigh?
basically it was like a guerrilla campaign around the city with bright yellow and black signs, strategically positioned under or on top of objects 'how much does it weigh?' with some smaller type under it explaining the economic impact of the object, for instance say a jersey it'll say how like it need 100kgs of water to manufacture one piece of clothing (completely made that up)
but because it was like everywhere, it had an impact.
while i'm quite a cynic of this awareness side of sustainability, (i think we are way over saturated with sustainability info that we become desensitized and switch off) this campaign was pretty different so it did have a good effect.
2- Roma water bottles Map
In Rome there are 2500 hundred drinking fountains, which are free and safe to drink from, this idea has the map of the location of the fountain printed directly onto the water bottle of the user, which in turn would have the bottle be reused over and over again.

example of the map
i really think this idea would be so effective and yet it is so simply
again i tried so hard to find pictures and more info of the examples but to no avail, think maybe the book is too new ?
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